
C-section Scar Revision Abdominal Scar Revision Plastic Surgeon Manhattan NYC

Abdominal scar revision (C-section scar revision) is offered by our board certified New York plastic surgeon at the Body Sculpting Center of NYC (Manhattan, New York). When a woman undergoes a cesarean section, the doctor places the scar across the lower part of the abdominal wall—usually below the bikini line. But the resulting scar doesn’t always look as beautiful as it could. This can lead women to become insecure/self-conscious about their body. This is why our cosmetic plastic surgery team is happy to provide women with the latest and greatest in abdominal scar revision technology and techniques. 

Patients seek our plastic surgery practice for “tummy tune-ups” due to the non-invasive techniques our plastic surgeon employs. 

  • We offer free C-section scar revision consultations at our Manhattan NYC plastic surgery practice

Dr. DelMauro is a very kind and compassionate doctor. He is the only doctor my grandmother will allow to examine her! He has a great bedside manner and does not rush! We appreciate the great care he’s provided in taking care of her complicated wound after vascular surgery. ~ RealSelf

While abdominal scarring is unavoidable when you undergo a C-section, that does not mean you should have to live with an unsightly or highly-visible scar. Abdominal scars can cause physical and psychological discomfort, especially when wearing tight-fitting clothes. Patients may also experience swelling above their C-section scar. This bulge can protrude through clothing and lead to overall discomfort with your appearance. The bulge can effectively be addressed during your C-section scar revision by removing the loose excess skin and recontouring the abdomen.

Patients may opt to undergo a mini abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), which involves the removal of extra lower abdominal skin of the abdominal wall. It is frequently beneficial for patients with stretched loose skin and increased subcutaneous fat. For patients with vertical midline abdominal scars after their C-sections or multiple abdominal scars from other surgeries, you may have found that they are difficult to conceal and are often a source of insecurity. Fortunately, the Body Sculpting Center of NYC’s top rated scar revision team can correct the scars to create one cohesive, inconspicuous scar on the abdomen. The best in class board certified NY plastic surgeon is highly trained in scar revision treatment and uses only the latest and greatest in scar revision technology to provide patients with the highest level of patient care possible. 

Due to the body’s inflammatory response following pregnancy, C-section scars can also become thickened. This is heavily influenced by genetics and pigmentation, which means that each person’s scar will be unique in terms of appearance and texture. During your abdominal scar revision consultation, our cosmetic plastic surgeon will examine your scar and discuss the cutting-edge treatment options for abdominal scar revision at the Manhattan-based Body Sculpting Center of NYC

Ideal candidates for abdominal scar revision are women who previously underwent a cesarean section during childbirth and desire to change the look, feel, and placement of their C-section abdominal scar. You will have the opportunity to speak with the cosmetic plastic surgeon about any questions or concerns you may have about your scar revision procedure. Your abdominal scar revision is performed as an outpatient procedure at the Body Sculpting Center of NYC by our top rated board certified plastic surgeon. You will travel to our state-of-the-art surgical suite in Midtown Manhattan, New York, and our cosmetic plastic surgeon will create a customized surgical plan that reflects your aesthetic desires. Our cosmetic plastic surgeon uses anesthesia to provide patients with the highest level of comfort and, using skin excision and tightening techniques, removes the existing scar to create a more defined look and inconspicuous scar. 

A complimentary C-section scar revision consultation at the Body Sculpting Center of NYC in Manhattan, New York with our best in class board certified aesthetic plastic surgeon will help you understand which treatment is right for you. The sooner you are assessed by our best in class team, the sooner you can see results! Long-term results are just a phone call or an email away.

Body Sculpting Center of NYC
590 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1106
New York, NY 10036
(646) 257-2677

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Body Sculpting Center of NYC
590 Fifth Ave, Suite 1106
New York, NY 10036
Phone: (646) 257-2677