
Breast Reduction Plastic Surgeon Manhattan NY

The Body Sculpting Center of NYC (located in the heart of Midtown, Manhattan in New York) offers breast reduction plastic surgery for women who suffer from excessively large breasts. It is very common for women with extremely large breasts to experience upper back pain, neck pain, and shoulder pain, which can impede upon their ability to do simple tasks throughout the day. Our top rated board certified plastic surgeon at the Body Sculpting Center of NYC is highly trained in breast surgery and routinely performs breast reduction surgery and breast lift surgery at our boutique surgical suite in Midtown, New York. 

  • We offer free breast reduction plastic surgery consultations at our Manhattan NYC plastic surgery practice

A breast reduction can greatly enhance a woman’s overall quality of life, especially if a breast reduction is deemed medically necessary. Back, neck, and shoulder pain along with numbness in the hands and difficulty completing daily tasks are all signs that you potentially may need a breast reduction. Breast reduction surgery is known to yield extremely positive postoperative feedback from patients, especially due to the fact that the results of a breast reduction can be immediate and life-changing.

He is extremely skilled, knowledgeable, reassuring. He is very concerned for his patients. He is a phenomenal plastic surgeon, and is a perfectionist. Dr. DelMauro is certainly a physician I’d recommend. ~ RealSelf

Our top rated board certified plastic surgeon performs a wide range of breast reduction techniques including double incision (also known as the “keyhole” or “lollipop” method) and periareolar methods. Though the surgical technique is determined by each patient’s unique anatomy. While the periareolar yields much less scarring, it is commonly performed on individuals with small breasts. We offer two incision methods: 

  • Double (“Keyhole” or “Lollipop”) Incision: Double incision breast reduction surgery consists of your New York board certified plastic surgeon making an incision along the areola’s border along with a vertical incision from the bottom center of the areola to the bottom of the breast. This method gives your NYC plastic surgeon better access to the breast tissue and allows him to precisely sculpt the breast by removing any extra bulk and ,reuniting the edges of the incisions to create a natural-looking, aesthetically-pleasing result.
  • Periareolar Incision: The periareolar method yields the least amount of scarring but is typically only employed on women with very small breasts. Your plastic surgeon creates an incision around the areola’s perimeter and all the way around the tissue enclosing it. Excess skin and tissue is removed, and the edges of the incisions are reunited along the border of the areola—thereby hiding your scar an inconspicuous location.

During your initial breast reduction consultation with your board certified aesthetic plastic surgeon at the Body Sculpting Center of NYC (Midtown, Manhattan, New York), you will discuss your treatment goals, and your plastic surgeon will explain the procedure in full. You will have the opportunity to speak with your New York plastic surgeon one-on-one to discuss any questions or concerns you may have regarding the breast reduction procedure. 

The breast reduction surgery takes place at the Body Sculpting Center of NYC’s boutique surgical suite, and general anesthesia is used to minimize discomfort during surgery. During the procedure, your plastic surgeon simultaneously removes excess skin and breast tissue and lifts your breasts into a more aesthetic and attractive position on your chest. Once the procedure is done, you are free to return home. Recovery is about 2-3 weeks. Many women notice immediate pain relief (neck, shoulders, and back) after undergoing breast reduction surgery.

A complimentary breast reduction plastic surgery consultation at the Body Sculpting Center of NYC in Manhattan, New York with our best in class board certified aesthetic plastic surgeon will help you understand which treatment is right for you. The sooner you are assessed by our best in class team, the sooner you can see results! Long-term results are just a phone call or an email away.

Body Sculpting Center of NYC
590 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1106
New York, NY 10036
(646) 257-2677

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Body Sculpting Center of NYC
590 Fifth Ave, Suite 1106
New York, NY 10036
Phone: (646) 257-2677